About Capstone

To complement our emphasis on attendance, attitude and achievement, the Lopez Capstone project provides students with an opportunity for career exploration, community service, and independent living skills to prepare them to compete and succeed in life and work after high school. Throughout the process students reflect on their learning, build a portfolio and finally orally present a summary of their Capstone experience before a panel. Students are responsible to personally complete all aspects of Capstone. However, Lopez does offer classes covering each part of Capstone to assist students through the program.
Note: All Capstone work must be original. If a student copies another person's words or ideas he or she will be disciplined and will have to redo work. When doing research all sources must be properly cited.
Thank you to Frontier High School in Whittier, CA whose Senior Project served as a model reference when we started to develop the Lopez Capstone program.
Thank you to Frontier High School in Whittier, CA whose Senior Project served as a model reference when we started to develop the Lopez Capstone program.