Capstone Binder & Presentation

During their time at Lopez students will compile artifacts demonstrating their proficiency in various learning and life skills into a Capstone binder. They will summarize career interests and educational options, prepare a professional job portfolio, document field experience, make an independent living budget, and reflect on how they have matured. Before graduating students present their binder, summarize their learning, and answer questions before a small panel of adults. This concludes their Capstone graduation requirement.

Presentation Instructions

  • Create a Slideshow Prepare a five to six minute oral presentation and be ready to answer questions the judges may ask. When presenting you will stand in front of a panel of three to four adults and a few peers who will also present when it is their turn. Support your speaking with a visual slideshow or other presentation of your key points. It will probably take 9-12 slides and should include the following at a minimum:
Your name
A little about you and the type of person you are
Career interest - describe what the career is and the main responsibilities it includes
Career interest - describe why you want to pursue this career. Include what you might dislike about it
How you will get trained
How you will finance your training
A few examples of your proficiency in 21st century skills including how those skills will help in your career
At least one lesson learned from the Capstone experience.
Note: When designing the slideshow only include bullet points of keywords and phrases. Do not write paragraphs of text. Also use contrasting colors, type with a minimum font size of 28 pts. and include complementary graphics.
  • Evaluate: Check your presentation against the Capstone Presentation Rubric. Make adjustments as necessary.
  • Practice and Revise: Rehearse your presentation with two different teachers and make improvements as needed.
  • Schedule a Presentation: Once all items on your checklist required to present are complete contact whomever is coordinating the presentations to schedule a Capstone presentation.
  • Present: In order to present you need all your other checklist items completed, except for community service. On your presentation day follow the tips below to do your best.
At the Presentation
  • Arrive prepared and on time. Bring your Capstone binder and any other presentation support materials.
  • Wear appropriate clothing like you did for your mock interview.
  • Greet each judge with a firm handshake and make eye contact.
  • Set up to present. (Someone will be available to help you if needed).
  • Be confident and positive. Speak clearly.
  • After you present be prepared to answer a few questions from your audience. Then thank the judges for their time.
  • The panel will immediately evaluate your presentation using this form and give you feedback.
  • Receive a certificate of Capstone completion.
  • Relax. Celebrate. Enjoy the moment with peers who are completing Capstone with you.

Binder Instructions
  • Design a Cover: Create an attractive cover with your name, your graduation month and year, and the word, “Capstone.”
  • Write a Title/Introduction Page: As the first page of your binder make a simple page with your name in large print and a short paragraph that describes where you are from, how long you have been at Lopez, what your career interest is.
  • Create a Table of Contents: Type a simple list of the items contained in your binder.
  • Print Section Dividers: Print this five-page document on colored paper and insert the pages in your binder as section dividers.
  • Organize the Binder: Divide the binder into the similar sections as the Capstone checklist:
    • My Future (My Future Plan Summary and Monthly Budget. No need to include the other Independent Living documents)
    • Job Readiness (Resume, Recommendations, Cover letter, Resignation letter, Mock interview evaluation)
    • Career (Career Primer, printed screenshots of your Career what and why presentation slides)
    • 21st Century Skills (Four Cs Reflection, Scholarship essay)
    • Other (This section is optional. It is a place for any of your certificates earned.)
    • Put relevant documents, artifacts and material in their respective sections. Everything should look professional and well organized. Refer to this physical sample.
  • Submit for Approval: Once your binder is complete, check it against the Capstone Binder Rubric. Make adjustments as necessary and then submit it to your field experience teacher for review and signing off on your Capstone checklist.
Note: After finishing Capstone copy any important documents you have from your school district Google Drive to a personal Google Drive because your account will be deleted after you graduate.